Sunday, January 25, 2009

My very first blog!

I love to write. I love to read. I love books, especially hard-cover ones...the feel of the paper, interesting fonts. But I never seem to be able to find [make] the time to consistently write (other than a daily journal that I kept -- the pen-on-paper kind -- during my first year at was 1988 and while computers certainly existed back then, I didn't have one). My job, and life, in general, always seem to get in the way.

I really wanted to start writing regularly while I was pregnant. Actually, before I got pregnant. Unfortunately, our parenting journey began with infertility challenges and I thought writing might be therapeutic. Except the pain was too great and the emotions too personal to share with anyone other than my wonderfully-supportive husband and a few close friends.

Then, I wanted to start writing after our daughter was born. I wanted to write about how we got pregnant with her, how I felt while she was growing inside my belly, and the story of her birth. I wanted to write it down, so that she could read it some read the miracle of how she came into this world and how much she is loved.

But I didn't.

So now that I am about to become a stay-at-home mom ("sahm" for short), I figured that I can no longer use a too-busy job as an excuse (although being a mom is probably the busiest job I've ever had in my almost 20-year career, especially now that my daughter is a toddler). I've read some pretty great blogs lately from other sahms and have felt inspired to start my own. Whether anyone reads it matters not to me. The important thing is that I'm finally doing something that I've wanted to do for a long time.

The fact that I've chosen Blogger as my forum (rather than writing with a pen in one of the many beautiful, yet blank, journals that I own) will shock my husband. He's the geek in our family -- he's a journalist who works at the CBC and computers, the Internet, Facebook, Twitter, TweetDeck, blogging, etc. are his passions. I'm the one who's always complaining about how much time he spends using the many computers or computer-type devices that reside in our house: 1 MacBook Pro, 2 PC desktops (1 Windows and 1 Linux box), 1 ancient Compac Presario brick of a laptop, a Playstation3 and an iPOD Touch. But I figured it's time for this old gal (I'm turning 40 this year) to get with the times and start a blog, as there is certainly no shortage of computers to use.

My hubby recommended the name "sahm like it hot" when I jokingly mentioned starting a blog the other day (a homophone of the 1959 Marilyn Monroe movie, "Some Like it Hot"), so the inspiration for this blog goes out to him. Thanks, love.

Well, the baby is having a melt-down (she missed her nap today) so I must go. Bye for now!


  1. Welcome to the bloging SHaM world, my trick is I blog when C is sleeping in the afternoon.

  2. Congratulations on your blog! I just hit the year plus mark and was thinking that i should print mine out so that i felt like i had a print copy. :) Lately i've been occupied with learning more about photography. It is realy fun to weave all these interests together, and to share with everyone along the way.

    I look forward to reading more!

